Ian Buck and Ian Decker with returning guest Andrew Bailey discuss the failure of Ouya, Banjo-Kazooie's spiritual successor - Yooka-Laylee, Valve's rollback on paid mods, a fancy preview of Final Fantasy 15 on DirectX 12
Ban Iuck and Dan Iecker with guest Rai Tielle, discuss the Valve Workshop uproar, secret Microsoft technologies, the launch of Galactic Civilizations III in just a couple weeks, a Telltale Marvel game in 2017, the Trans community in gaming, plus reviews of Final Fantasy 14 and Hearthstone Blackwing Lair.
Ian Buck and Ian Decker discuss Heartstone on smartphones -- finally, Valve's crusade against spam and fake accounts, Anita Sarkeesian in TIME, Firefly Online's progress, Star Wars Battlefront coming in the fall, speaking of which, that new Star Wars trailer, and a review of Hearthstone’s Blackrock Spire.
Matt and Ryan play Guild Wars for a bit while the Ian's prepare for the show, and after the show, Matt explains a strange buying policy at the local appliance store.