In the middle of a snowstorm, Steve and Andrew discuss RASPBERRY!, AMD, Bitcoin, storage, Microsoft, web fonts, and a few more tidbits, like designing a rather graphic lawn mowing simulator.
We chat about Brian's new work with Angular, D3 and ancient versions of Webpack, Ryan's recent work with Angular 1 and 2, MongoDB and more, and Brandon's triumph over his thesis - plus - Twitter Followees!
After a while of not podcasting, Andrew and Steve get back into action. They talk about building features, RASPBERRY!, Backblaze, AMD, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, and the new Andrew Bailey.
After using Project Fi in several situations, including working at camp and living in St Paul, Buck and Decker are ready to analyze the service. We talk about the coverage, price, special features, and more!
What exciting new forms of transportation does the future hold for us? How will self-driven cars change our travel habits? What even is a hyperloop? Ian, Brian, and Ryan have done the research on all of this and more!