The Latest Episodes

Enjoy the latest episodes from The Nexus.

Meltdown Lake

Episode #35 ▪ The Fringe #458

Brian, Brandon and Ryan discuss Meltdown and Spectre and just how big an issue they really are, thoughts on the powerful new iMac Pro, contemplate the nature of architectural decisions and where they are saved for reference, plus Twitter followees!

PK #35 — Snarky Name

Episode #458 ▪ PK #35

Before the show, Brian a TV and will buy some speakers, and Ryan and Brandon talk about React.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi Review

Episode #34 ▪ The Fringe #457

Time for our annual Star Wars review! Ian R Buck and first-time guest Mike Sandberg sit down to talk about The Last Jedi, a very unusual Star Wars film in many ways.

TED #27 — Judgmental Alpaca

Episode #456 ▪ TED #27

In which an alpaca judges, Ian talks about possible audio book plans, and Ryan helps Ian encrypt his website again.

iPhone X Review

Episode #33 ▪ The Fringe #455

First-time guest Aron Braggans joins Ian R Buck to review the iPhone X, Apple's biggest step forward since changing the body size with the iPhone 6.

SO #33 — On the Dot

Episode #455 ▪ SO #33

Ian and first-time guest Aron Braggans complain about USB-C. Aron isn't happy with the Macbook implementation, Ian isn't happy with the Pixel 2 implementation.

SO #32 — Yobibytes of Data

Episode #454 ▪ SO #32

Brian teaches Ian the different names of storage sizes when counting in base 2 and base 10, and later they puzzle through the various Unicode and Emoji version numbers after looking at Brian's website.

iOS 11 Review

Episode #32 ▪ The Fringe #454

Brian Mitchell has been using iOS 11 since it was in beta, so Ian brings him on to discuss the latest changes to Apple's mobile operating system.