Ian Buck, Ian Decker, Ryan Rampersad and Matthew Petschl join in studio before EB #30 to chat about all of the April Fool's jokes, computer cases, comics and so many innuendos that you'll be impressed.
Ian Buck and Ian Decker, along with guest Matthew Petschl, discuss NetGain's epic success, Ouya's ROM support, Wii U's odd JavaScript support, Unreal 3 coming to browsers, a review of Bioshock Infinite from Ian Buck and a reivew of Tomb Raider by Ian Decker, and more!
Ian Buck suddenly appears as a surprise guest on the Fringe, Ryan plays Daft Punk, Matt tells us about Ax-Man and Matt downloads a new linux distro and previews Sam's favorite video.
Ryan Rampersad and Matthew Petschl discuss this week in BlackBerry - one million units sold in 90 days, the new Blue, yet another Facebook phone, Google's OPNAP, a tweaked Nexus 4, DRM in HTML5 and more!
After making something that would make a skunk gag, Andrew and Chris with guest Kyle Schaplowsky talk about recent happenings with Python, Google, Aaron Schwartz's legacy, Linux, bacon, P2P, password storage, uncanny valleys, games, arcane keystrokes, and more.
Ian Buck and Ian Decker, along with returning guest Kyle Schaplowsky, discuss remakes of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X, a rift in the Oculus Rift's launch titles, Unity and Sony together, and reviews of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, Starcraft 2: HOTS by Kyle and Mass Effect: Infiltrator by Ian.
Ian Decker shares his laments his week, Ian Buck decides it's "okay" to leave a girl in the room with the others while gets water -- he was wrong, and have you seen Snakes in a School?
Matthew Petschl and Ryan Rampersad discuss T-Mobile woes, a BlackBerry surprise from Google, Apple's password maleficence, Google's chat Bubble-Or-Babble, and Mr. Flash himself, working at Apple.