The Latest Episodes

Enjoy the latest episodes from The Nexus.

ATN #84 — Something On A Stick

Episode #113

The Putnams storm the studio with pizza and Mountain Dew, and we discuss various things concerning the 80's.

CS #34 — New Ball Crusher

Episode #112

Chris eats some "bread and butter" while Andrew scrambles to add things to the show docs.

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Episode #34 ▪ The Fringe #112

Chris tells another roomie story, Andrew contemplates a potential case of time travel, then they discuss games, tornadoes, HTTP, Firefox, Microsoft, product design ideas, Valve, NSA, Chromium, and Y2K.

The Real Devil’s Tower

Episode #41 ▪ The Fringe #111

Ian Buck and Ian Decker discuss Net Gain's prototype launch, Computer Jesus, Buck's trip to Yellowstone, an Alan Wake review from Decker, plans for a YouTube channel and plans for the next season of Eight Bit.

EB #41 — Best Deck

Episode #111

Ian Buck sets Ian Decker's new HTC Thunderbolt with his favorite Android apps before the show and


Episode #83 ▪ The Fringe #110

Ryan Rampersad and Matthew Petschl discuss Sprint's SoftBank success, an Apple lawsuit but not from Samsung, another Fiber offering, Microsoft's Xbox leadership reshuffle, an impending Google event and so much!

ATN #83 — SoftBlanc Off

Episode #110

Ryan and Matt talk about Matt's twitter history, July 4th events, some recent events like Egypt and Russian explosions.

A Bloody Miracle

Episode #33

Abandoned, Andrew plows through some Kickstarters, RASPBERRY!, some web browser news, some benchmarks, NeoCities, companies killing things, more NSA news, and listener feedback.

It’s Called Sally’s

Episode #82 ▪ The Fringe #109

Ryan Rampersad and Matthew Petschl discuss BlackBerry's disappointing Q1 earnings call, a new Gigabit fiber provider not near you, the revelation of Windows 8.1, new Google+ features, a Steve Jobs trailer and DRM in you HTML5.

ATN #82 — Listen To The Pillows

Episode #109

Ryan and Matthew think they sound the same, Matt shares some comics and Ryan tries to filter his history before At The Nexus #82.