The Latest Episodes

Enjoy the latest episodes from The Nexus.

ATH-M50x Review

Episode #71The Fringe #555

Ian and Ryan have both been using the same studio headphones for monitoring and editing, and they are ready to tell you all about them!

Fringe Farm

Episode #156The Fringe #554

After a long break, Steven and Andrew are back at it, talking about RASPBERRY!, Microsoft, Python, AMD, AVIF, and a few more things. It's been a long while.

The End

Episode #26The Fringe #553

On the final episode of In Bootcamp, Matthew Petschl finishes bootcamp! Group project is complete, graduation commences and upcoming plans are made.

Corsair Vengeance 1500 Post-Mortem

Episode #70

Ian used a USB gaming headset for many years. What lessons can we learn from it when buying headphones in the future?

Be Kind, Rewind

Episode #50The Fringe #552

For completely unrelated reasons, Brian and Brandon share a microphone and are joined by Ryan for the 50th episode of PodKit. React, react-native, a new npm package, and node.js on Windows.

The Last Week

Episode #25

On the last full week of In Bootcamp, Matt shares the final few days of Group Project 3 - contributions and timesinks, plus an insightful discovery, and a bit more about short and long term plans after bootcamp ends.

Space Exploration: Past, Present, and Future

Episode #44The Fringe #551

On the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission and the first lunar landing, Ian and Brian are discussing how the technologies of space exploration have evolved over time: what they were in the past, where we are now, and how they will change in the future.