CS #13 — Stuff Happened Episode #47 February 13th 2013 12 years ago Two turians do a sound check, followed by a discussion about what's nearby, taxes, and nukes.
EB #23 — Ryan Is Ambiguous Episode #46 February 12th 2013 12 years ago Ryan is completely ambiguous and Ian Decker has an extraordinary mustache that floats, and Ian Buck shares his body with us yet again.
ATN #62 — Bang It With Your Stick Episode #45 February 8th 2013 12 years ago Matthew plays insane music from Soviet Russia and plays with the studio cat, and Ryan develops his heart show for Megan.
Realm of Understanding Episode #44 February 7th 2013 12 years ago Ian and Ryan discuss Ryan's introduction of his Nexus 4 and Sam talks about phones more than we do on the gadget show.
CS #12 — Base Lupine Nature Episode #43 February 6th 2013 12 years ago Andrew explains the shows on The-Nexus to Chris, some introspection on their own show, podcasting shirtless, former roomies, and games.
ATN #61 — Woooooo Episode #42 February 3rd 2013 12 years ago Matt and Ryan get ready for the show and Sam is over there trying to break his VMs before the longest and possibly best At The Nexus ever.
CS #11 — Is it like Jamie King’s .p()? Episode #41 January 30th 2013 12 years ago Just some pre-podcast banter and dinner/breakfast.
Calling Microsoft Episode #40 January 27th 2013 12 years ago Ryan call Microsoft to re-activate Windows 7 on the Skype laptop after wiping Windows 8.
EB #21 — Oh, You’re Blowing It Episode #39 January 27th 2013 12 years ago Ian, Ian and Ryan wonder where the guest is and then find Sam Ebertz's new website, and Ryan has trouble with the skype laptop.
ATN #60 — Things Go Whizzing By Episode #38 January 26th 2013 12 years ago On an epically long lead in to At The Nexus #60, you can hear Sam's distant Japanese voice, Matt's streaming and Ryan rage quitting the podcast.