The Fringe

The Fringe is a collection of before and after show ramblings and actually intentional musings that are unstructured.

SO #39 — My Pants Feel Really Open Today

Episode #467 SO #39

Even when he isn't reaching for the keyboard, Ian can't avoid hitting the spacebar. Luckily, they were right at the beginning and didn't lose much.

PK #36 — Pretty Clappy

Episode #466 PK #36

Brandon confuses us with blueprints from the past and present, and more.

TED #29 — Daily? Is it John?

Episode #465 TED #29

Ian struggles to organize the show notes before Brian arrives. Ryan talks a bunch about JavaScript something-something, despite the fact that Brandon isn't there.

CS #140 — Make a Smart Shack

Episode #464 CS #140

Steve enjoyed his porkchop, but Andrew isn't a fan of sour kraut, which reminds Andrew of his Berlin trip. Steve talks about his shack, and possible fake crime in GTA. They start talking about personal stuff around 21 minutes in.

TED #28 — Advice for Audiobooks

Episode #461 TED #28

The Extra Dimension episode this Fringe is attached to was a practice round for Ian's plan to make an audiobook. Please give him feedback on what went well and what he can improve on!

NS #57 — We’re All Ryan Rampersad

Episode #459 NS #57

Harkening back to when this network was fun and not too serious, Ian, Brian, and Ryan stay in the studio way too long and goof off for a really long time.

PK #35 — Snarky Name

Episode #458 PK #35

Before the show, Brian a TV and will buy some speakers, and Ryan and Brandon talk about React.