The Extra Dimension

The Extra Dimension features deep discussions on how technology intersects with society. Welcome to the heart of the technological convergence.

Distance Learning

Episode #56 ▪ The Fringe #585


Over the last year-and-a-half, most of the education world has had to quickly adapt to a new model that we had never used before. Distance Learning has certainly been a journey, and one that will probably continue shaping education even as we go back into our physical classrooms.

Episode summary

00:00:00 | Intro
00:03:04 | Models used at Minnesota Virtual Schools
Online School in Minnesota | Grades 6-12 | Minnesota Virtual Schools
00:08:57 | Models used at Harding
00:18:04 | By the numbers
Failing grades are way up in the Twin Cities’ public schools, especially for students of color
00:23:13 | How prepared were schools
Schools Already Struggled With Cybersecurity. Then Came Covid-19 | WIRED
00:28:08 | How prepared were families
Tool Library builds 600 desks for students learning at home -
00:31:10 | How prepared were teachers
00:36:31 | Classroom management
00:42:14 | Building community
Here I am: Buck - Google Slides
00:45:23 | Surveillance, proctoring tests
00:47:18 | How would this have gone 10 years ago?
00:52:47 | The Flipped Classroom
01:00:54 | Snow days
A Crime Against Childhood - YouTube
01:04:01 | Final thoughts, personal news
01:09:13 | Outro

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