Robots Will Steal Your Job

Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK is an audiobook that explores the impact of technological advances on our lives, what it means to be happy, and provides suggestions on how to avoid a systemic collapse. Written by Federico Pistono and read by Ian R Buck.

Unemployment Today

Episode #1

Federico takes us through unemployment trends leading up to 2012.

Chapter Index

00:00 | Intro
00:25 | Chapter Begins
11:00 | Outro


Figure 1.1: Average Household Income
Figure 1.1: Average Household Income
Figure 1.2: Change in share of income 1979-2007, calculated after taxes.
Figure 1.2: Change in share of income 1979-2007, calculated after taxes.
Figure 1.3: Building a Better America – One Wealth Quintile at a Time
Figure 1.3: Building a Better America – One Wealth Quintile at a Time, Michael I. Norton, Dan Ariely. Journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.


  1. US Posts Stronger Solid Growth in July, Mokoto Rich, 2011. The New York Times.
  2. Private Sector Up, Government Down, David Leonhardt, 2011. The New York Times.
  3. Jobs Deficit, Investment Deficit, Fiscal Deficit, Laura D’Andrea Tyson, 2011. The New York Times.
  4. The Employment Situation, 2012. Bureau Of Labor Statistics
  5. Civilian Labor Force Participation Rate. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  6. Race Against The Machine: How the Digital Revolution is Accelerating Innovation, Driving Productivity, and Irreversibly Transforming Employment and the Economy, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, 2011. Digital Frontier Press.
  7. The End of Work Website, Jeremy Rifkin.
  8. The End of Work, Wikipedia.
  9. A rough 10 years for the middle class, Annalyn Censky, 2011. CNNMoney.
  10. 22 Statistics That Prove That The Middle Class Is Being Systematically Wiped Out Of Existence In America, Michael Snyder, 2010. Business Insider.
  11. US Congressional Budget Office, 2011. Graphics adapted from Mother Jones.
  12. Building a Better America – One Wealth Quintile at a Time, Michael I. Norton, Dan Ariely. Journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.
  13. I highly recommend the four-part video series Everything is a Remix by Kirby Ferguson, one of the best piece of work I have ever seen on this subject.



The Robots Will Steal Your Job, But That's OK Audiobook is released under a Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Feel free to use any or all of it as long as you link back to, you do not use it for commercial purposes, and you release any derivative works under the same license.