EB #10 Episode #7 November 12th 2012 ▪ 12 years ago Before and after Eight Bit #10 with Ian Buck, Ian Decker and guest, Kyle Schaplowsky.
ATN #49 Episode #6 November 9th 2012 ▪ 12 years ago Before and after At The Nexus #49: You Threw An Exception.
NS #13 Preshow Episode #5 October 29th 2012 ▪ 12 years ago Preshow banter between Ian, Ryan and another Sam on the network.
ATN #45: Preshow Episode #4 October 7th 2012 ▪ 12 years ago Brian Mitchell and Ryan Rampersad discuss some topics before At The Nexus #45.
Site Updated Episode #3 June 27th 2012 ▪ 12 years ago The website has been updated with a new look; you need to update your feeds and follow us on Twitter and Google+ if you haven't already.
Retribution Falls Episode #2 June 6th 2012 ▪ 13 years ago Ryan Rampersad and Sam Ebertz of The Universe review the book, Retribution Falls by Chris Wooding. Sam and Ryan generally liked the book, rating it 3.5 and 3.7 stars out of 5, respectively.
Deserted Island Episode #1 June 6th 2012 ▪ 13 years ago What would Sam Ebertz and Ryan Ellis along with host Ryan Rampersad want on a deserted island. The short answer is a Kindle.