Episodes with Steven Orvis
- The Fringe #215: CS #59 — Long Dramatic Pauses
- Control Structure #59: Server Babies
- The Fringe #210: CS #58 — Navigate Around With Your Pinkies
- Control Structure #58: Goodbye XP
- The Fringe #205: CS #57 — Five Good Fringe Titles
- Control Structure #57: The Way It’s Meant To Be Played
- The Fringe #200: CS #56 — Trixy Trixy Google
- Control Structure #56: The Air Gap
- The Fringe #186: CS #54 — Apparently I’m France
- Control Structure #54: Conspiracy with Big Water
- The Fringe #181: CS #53 — Whitespace is Significant
- Control Structure #53: One Word Awesomebar
- The Fringe #158: CS #49 — You Gotta Jump Sometimes
- Control Structure #49: Spiders To Eat The Bugs
- The Fringe #146: CS #46: Super VVVVVVeat Boy
- Control Structure #46: Dinosaur Robot
- Control Structure #43: Popular Opinion
- The Fringe #137: CS #43 — Advance Your Hue