The Fringe

The Fringe is a collection of before and after show ramblings and actually intentional musings that are unstructured.

CS #100 — Easy Mode Was Brutal

Episode #363 CS #100

Andrew and Tom Chris talk about games, and all three catch up on things going on, like Basselhof going to Disneyland, along with the normal background catch up on podcast topics.
That stupid LINQ that Andrew won't shut up about:
public enum ClassPermission {
Student = 0,
//Dropped = 2,
//Audit = 16,
Grader = 1,
//Assistant = 256,
Teacher = 2
studentList.DataSource = from s in ldc.GroupUsers
where s.GroupId == ClassId
orderby s.Permissions, s.User.LastName, s.User.FirstName
select new { s.User.LastName, s.User.FirstName, s.User.Id, s.Grade, s.GradeDrop, classId = ClassId, Permission = Enum.Parse(typeof(ClassPermission), s.Permissions.GetValueOrDefault(0).ToString()) }; ;