Episode Summary
00:00 | Intro
00:54 | Abstract
In an increasingly connected, mobile world, situations where users do not interact with their digital lives are becoming few and far between. This can be a problem in situations that demand a user's attention for their safety. Driving is one such situation, and it is doubly important because a significant portion of the western population drives on a daily basis. Researchers have tested different interface designs with the goal of finding one that demands the least cognitive load while still allowing the user to perform the desired task efficiently. In this paper interfaces incorporating auditory cues, voice dictation, and air gestures are discussed.01:42 | 1. Introduction
03:29 | 2. Background
03:38 | 2.1 User Interfaces
04:01 | 2.1.1 Touchscreens
04:56 | 2.1.2 Voice Dictation
05:37 | 2.1.3 Screen Reading
06:50 | 2.1.4 Air Gestures
07:25 | 2.2 Testing Distracted Driving
08:11 | 2.2.1 Lane Changing Exercise
08:44 | 2.2.2 Car Following Exercise
09:25 | 2.2.3 Eye Tracking
09:55 | 3. Auditory Cues

14:15 | 4. Text-To-Speech and Voice Dictation

21:04 | 5. Air Gestures

26:27 | 6. Discussion
30:05 | 7. Conclusion
30:44 | Outro
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- K. R. May, T. M. Gable, and B. N. Walker. A multimodal air gesture interface for in vehicle menu navigation. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI ’14, pages 1–6, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM.
- S. Truschin, M. Schermann, S. Goswami, and H. Krcmar. Designing interfaces for multiple-goal environments: Experimental insights from in-vehicle speech interfaces. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., 21(1):7:1–7:24, Feb. 2014.
- "Infotainment Interface Design for Automobiles" by Ian R. Buck
- Infotainment Interface Design For Automobiles Slideshow · GitHub
- Kevin MacLeod [Official] - Inspired - incompetech.com - YouTube