In Bootcamp

In Bootcamp podcast is about Matthew Petschl's experience at a local coding bootcamp and journey to software engineer, featuring Ryan Rampersad with industry commentary.

Tools and Tricks

Episode #16The Fringe #541

Matt's class takes a break from programming material, focuses on tools and tricks alongside the group project.


Episode #15The Fringe #539

Matt has installed the latest Ubuntu on his laptop, gets sick, learns why MySQL is weird and what ORMs are.


Episode #14

Matt's class continues with MySQL and adds Express into the mix and begins serving dynamically created HTML content with Handlebars. Plus, Matt gets the OK to use Linux in class - against his earlier preconceived notions.


Episode #13The Fringe #535

Matt continues learning SQL, experimenting with larger data sets, using JOINs and complex SELECTs, and he begins learning the Node API to create servers.

Half Way

Episode #12The Fringe #534

Matt finally reaches halfway in the Bootcamp, and kicks off MySQL with Workbench, using Mamp and Xampp, and later, Ryan shares a recent mini-job experience related to the bootcamp.

Node Continued

Episode #11The Fringe #532

Matt continues learning Node, and practices new JavaScript techniques with Constructors.

Beginning Node

Episode #10The Fringe #531

Matt learns Node, reflects on Group Project 1 and follows up from Interview Day, a chat on Open Source North!

Interview Day

Episode #9The Fringe #529

Matt's class has a break during the group project, then he tries the interview process for the first time and learns a lot about the process and himself.

Group Project 1

Episode #8The Fringe #526

Matt begins the first Group Project in bootcamp and learns ideation is the hardest part to start, recounts the first HackerX feedback and asks questions about "breaks" at work.


Episode #7The Fringe #524

Matt learns more about APIs, cookies, local storage, prepares for the upcoming group project and attends the legendary HackerX event!